Wednesday 21 August 2013

Thank you so much to Haven Vets...

Good morning,

Yesterday was very eventful and I was very grateful to have the help of my closest friends and Havens Vets, Great Yarmouth.

At lunch time yesterday I went out to Gorleston high street with my friend for lunch and as we were driving back to work I noticed a pigeon in the middle of the road that looked injured. I got out of the car and approached him slowly and calmly, he was badly injured on his head. I picked him up firmly but gently and my friend drove my car back to office for me.

Once back at the office, my friend rushed in and got a lovely big box with soft tissue inside. Once we had settled him, he rested and looked a lot brighter towards the end of the day.

As I left the office and was heading home, I got stuck in a bunch of traffic, I thought there had been a car accident and when I approached the scene, there was a poor little black and white cat which was laying in the road and had been hit by a car.

I thought to myself, "I need to help him, but I have a pigeon in the car - what will I do?"

I had the pigeon in the front of the car, so I had no choice but to put the cat in the boot. I picked up the poor thing and he was in agony, drove him to Haven Vets and they were absolutely wonderful.

I walked into reception and they rushed out to the car with a crate and were able to take the cat and pigeon.

I just called them this morning to check how they were through the night. The lovely lady in in-patients was kind and helpful, explained they both made it through the night and were both stable.

I thanked them, but truly I could not thank them enough for what they have achieved. Just when I thought companies like that were money orientated and didn't actually care, they have just shown me that they do care and have done a wonderful job!

Thanks again to Haven Vets!

A huge thank you to my closest friends @dylananddaisy1 and @gemgem2413!!!! Couldn't of done it without them!


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